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The Excellent Woman by Ann Pratt

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About The Excellent Woman

We commend to you a digital edition of Anne Pratt’s timeless commentary on Proverbs 31, The Excellent Woman, originally published in 1847. One might describe this work as a theological piece of art where rich contextual study is embedded in literary beauty; where the edifying truths of an Almighty Creator is presented before a meek and humble people, who are utterly dependent upon the very One who calls us to holiness.

Although this thirty-first Proverb addresses women in a day ancient to our own, when laborious submission and stringent modesty were highly commendable virtues, Miss Pratt stresses that Scripture was written for our instruction and it is applicable to every generation. This reflection on the lifestyle of the women in Biblical times will encourage all to trust God, who is faithful to His promises

Excerpt from “The Excellent Woman”

“The wisdom for which this [excellent] woman is commended related not alone to the things of the present world. She was one who feared the Lord. She could tell to her listening household of the wonders of nature, of the deliverances wrought by God’s providence to ancient Israel...point to the infallible laws of nature, and show that the morning sun and the evening star never disappointed him who watched for them in the heavens.